Helpful strategies for successfully co-parenting after divorce

On Behalf of The Law Offices of Ronda A. Middleton |

Co-parents in California face a variety of challenges, including coping with emotional pain that accompanies a divorce. Thankfully, there are some strategies co-parents can use to overcome some of these challenges and look out for the best interests of their children.

The way that co-parents treat each other will have a big impact on the children. Children should see their parents treat each other with respect. While it may be tempting, it is best for parents to communicate directly with each other as opposed to having children be messengers. If face-to-face communication is difficult, using email or text messages may be beneficial. It also keeps all conversations documented.

One of the top priorities of co-parents is helping children feel safe and secure after the divorce. In order to maintain consistency, co-parents can work together to establish family rules and decide on discipline methods that will be the same in both households.

Part of the pain that a co-parent may experience is missing out on important moments in the lives of their children. It would be beneficial for a parent to take snapshots of important moments and send these to the other parent.

It is helpful when both co-parents are balanced when it comes to sticking with a court-ordered visitation schedule or parenting plan and being flexible at times. If no harm is done and a co-parent asks to change the schedule, this could be beneficial to the children.

A co-parent who is deeply concerned about the well-being of their children and feels that the current child custody arrangement is not working well may wish to discuss their situation with an attorney. The attorney may answer questions about parental rights, sole custody and child custody issues. The attorney may be able to tell a person what options are available to change their current situation.

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